Overdid it this weekend and worsened my cold--a deep, chesty cough has settled in, but what else does one expect from me?
Spent the weekend baking--Saturday was the only day I could get anything done for World Bread Day. Went through the beautiful "Home Baking" by Alford and Duguid for inspiration, but decided that all that was needed was a hearty loaf. Found it in Edna's Schmecks, via Neil's Harbour Bread. I made one small modification: used milk instead of water since I had too much unused milk in the carton and it was due to go off on Monday. Good thing I did as it was as thick as buttermilk this morning. If I had the time I'd make pancakes or make some cakes, but I'm out of town for most of the week and I need to get homework done.
Afterwards, felt too tired to do anything, so TFE and I retreated to the very drafty booth in the pub--probably a good contributor to this cough.
Sunday I was industrious and did some cookbook reviewing. Great book--a near-perfect pie (by my standards) and wonderfully moist brownies. Great writing contributed to probably the best pie crust yet. The romantic in me fell for the backstory of the brownies...not a disappointment.
Woke up feeling horrid. Tired and horrid. Needed easy supper tonight after a long day at work. Mushroom and cheese omelet hit the spot.